Monday, February 28, 2011

What time is it???

Up since 4 am. Can't sleep. Not because of contractions. Not because KB is sleeping sideways in bed so that he and Wicket have enough space to sleep. Nope. Mind is racing, but not about anything important. The only thing on my mind right now is WHY WILL THIS BABY NOT COME!!! Doctor's want to induce if this little guy does not bust out by Thursday. It does not line up with "my plan", but whatever needs to happen for health of the Bean.
On Saturday I decided to take a leisure stroll hoping to work up some contractions. I took one step off curb and it felt as though my inner thighs were jell-o. Something might have snapped- I am not sure I was trying to avoid the on coming cars. Note to self and other pregnant people: When 9 months pregnant do not race against traffic. Your hips and body are adjusting!  I am pretty sure I pulled something. I just started walking again. I crawled around until KB got home and then had the fun times of having him help me around like an old lady. Accidentally put pain relieving gel in my eyes- blinded! We could not help but laugh hysterically about it all. I can walk now but still not that well and with some odd pain but I think that involves the baby pushing down as well.
Oh the joys! I know it will soon be over....On a nicer note we finished the baby's room! Pictures to come!

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