Tuesday, February 15, 2011

All Its Glory

Well here is my "little" baby bump. KB added some Valentine Love to it! I think yesterday did not do it justice. Same old same old around here today. We are making a Japanese screen that lead into the baby's room so we can block the cats from entering. Seeing one of them has ninja skills this has been quite the chore, but today we figured it out so hopefully in time we can show some pics of the baby's room. Today was a nice morning with KB. He did not having any training sessions this morning so we were able to go to our favorite breakfast place- Nat's Early Bite- and catch some tasty breakfast before he was off to work. I am just cleaning and organizing our place! Well off to get some dinner ready. xoxox

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wowsers! That's an awesome belly! Gorgeous! xo Mel