Friday, February 4, 2011


There are some things I have really enjoyed about pregnancy and some things I have not. One of the things I have enjoyed the most is how nice everyone is. Where ever I go I get a smile, a ton of them! Some may think this should be an every day occurrence but it is not. People are nice enough to let me go first to the bathroom. Pick things up that I drop or are just to heavy. I enjoy my bump! I did not think I would ever say that, but I do. I like rubbing it, I love talking and singing to it! I love the movement- no matter one time day it is (usually 4:30 AM).  I love it when KB talks it. Imagine a dog that gets really excited and wiggles it tail uncontrollably- that is how I feel the baby reacts when KB talks.
I love the food! I love that I was pregnant during the holidays. I had no guilt about the weight gain. My doctor might have felt different. I did workout a bit and hike quite a bit during most of my pregnancy so that I hope has balanced me out a bit.
I do miss sleeping on my belly or laying on my back. I wish my feet did not hurt, I think they are bruised from the excessive weight I have been carrying around. I miss coloring my hair. I miss cocktails and wine. I miss taking baths. I still take them but quite uncomfortable- I need a jacuzzi size.  I miss clothes- my clothes- a wide variety of clothes and shoes!! I miss SUSHI and SAKE!!
Besides all the good and bad the thing what most excites me is what in the heck am I having???? Boy or Girl it does not matter we just want to know!!

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