Friday, April 29, 2011

Fairies Do Exist

I found these articles about fairies. The families have put tiny little doors through out their homes for their children (or i think secretly for themselves) that belong to the entrance of little fairies homes. I thought they were so cute. The thought of Bear coming home to gifts from a fairy or just little doors to open his imagination puts a smile on my face. I am sure it would put a smile on any one's face. Little something from the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, or anyone else that might want to use "the door".
"With each new home improvement there appeared a surprise. As part of that expansion, I put in a closet door under the stairs and adjacent to it, a child-size one to access the wedge of space there. Just to the right of the junior door, down in the baseboard, kids discovered yet another door about 6 inches high. When it was open, one could see an equally small staircase and railing leading up to a second door. The upper door, as far as we know, is always locked....After I built our fireplace, our daughters discovered one more door. It opened onto a room with its own tiny fireplace, and a curving stairway leading to a balcony sporting a door. There was yet another door leading off of the first room, which when opened, revealed a landing and a checkered floor beyond. A small window looked into the space from the end of the mantel. On some days, a light goes on in the far room."

"When I was little we had a cleaning fairy that would visit while we were gone and if the house was clean, she would leave us treats, and if the house was messy, she would leave of a tiny note telling us that she was disappointed that she couldn't leave us treats, but she would check back soon. That would leave us scurrying around the house cleaning up....My friend with teenagers has a jewelry fairy that leaves tiny, shiny packages with earrings etc. so her teenagers still rush to check the fairy door daily."

 Above was made for the toothfairy....

Little boots and mailbox for the Fairies

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First Trip

Checklist for 3 day trip with the Kiddo:
Diapers for 3 days- extra for just in case
Wipes- whole package- ya never know
Clothes for him- jammies and day time clothes- back up clothes and back up back up clothes for  just in case of poo and spit up
Clothes for me and back up back up clothes in case he spits up on me- in case, I mean for when he spits up
Blankie- back up blankie just in case I lose one or gets dirty
Play floor blankie
A PACIFIER- which later would prove to save us on the way down there but not way back
Moby wrap- lifesaver!
Diaper Bag and

I am sure you are getting the idea even though I am sure I forgot some stuff. That was all just for him excluding stuff for the dogs, me, and the hubs. Squished in the car for a 3.5 hour drive. He did good on the way down there. He fussed once or twice but the pacifier saved us. We stopped in Santa Barbara for quick change, feed, and bathroom break. Otherwise smooth sailing. We had a great visit. Bear got to meet some  new faces. A bit off his schedule, but nothing a bouncy patio chair could not take care of. He saw his first beach visit, and had his first beach feeding. Listening to the soft sounds of the waves crashing and birds singing. Mel was did an awesome job taking baby pictures of Bear. I hope to get some printed off and framed! He is really beginning to laugh and talk.
Thankfully we made it home but that was only after about 3 or 4 stops. Bear had decided that the car seat was not for him, as well as the pacifier.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tub time

Did I mention I can take baths again? I can roll and dip low, stay on my back with no bump in the way. It was so sad near the end of my pregnancy. I could not even sit for long in fear that my oxygen was being cut off. Plus when 95% of your body is well above water level and the water can only be luke warm how is that fun. I think when you get pregnant the government should automatically give you a jacuzzi bath tub and a maid. Hell I can sleep on my tummy again!! But the baths are the most important. Thanks to the bottle and days that KB is home I can stay until I melt. KB and Bear can enjoy their nap time together :)

On a completely different note...Yesterday I bought our first set of cloth wipes and wipe warmer. Very exciting. Next up is cloth diapers! I have narrowed it down to several brands. It's tough not knowing what to use. I have searched blogs and the Internet far and wide. Some work for some peeps and some work for others, but what will work for us? I will let you. I will most likely go with several brands.

Today Bear is 6 weeks old!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mission Accomplished

I feel like he is growing up so fast. Yes, there is still so much he has not done. Bear either has Colic (yeah) or GERD (acid reflux) or as the Doctor said he may just be fussy...Well thanks that narrows it down. I do have to add a shout out to "The Happiest Baby on the Block" DVD. That has helped for his fussiness and suggest it to anyone having a baby- fussy or not. Last night I got in the bath with him and he bobbed around and ate right afterwards, and passed out hard with little fuss. He is a true Water sign. He loves bath time. I held his head and submerged his little body, and he floated with a big smile. Perhaps the bath is the way to go- but a bath every night could be bad for his delicate skin. He weighs in at 12 lb. and 11 oz.- basically a 13 pounder. The Doctors are praise him for his ability for eye contact and grasp.
Missions Accomplished this week:
He almost rolled over today!! He gets so frustrated he really wants to crawl.
He used his first pacifier- during one of his manic episodes
He used his first bottle of freshly expressed milk- we are prepping him for when I go back to work
We have been making kiss-y faces at him and oooo's and aaahhh's and he can copy us. Today Kb taught him how to click with his tongue and now every time he sees KB he does it.

I said I wanted to go back to work and I do, but I do not want to miss any little thing. I almost cried when I had to give his first bottle. I am sure that is not my last of almost crying- I expect to cry my eyes out over this kid plenty of times in my life- be it for joy or whatever else may come.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bob and Bear

Bear loves Bob Marley. When he gets fussy we put the cd on and he nod's his head and drifts off to sleep.

This is obviously not bear...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

One Month Update

 Outfit compliments of Aunt Mel...
Hello we are ALIVE!! Its been a very busy first month. When I get a chance I clean. Ya know just the usual poo, pee, spit up....We have made it to One month! Bear has gotten so big. He is a morning person. He likes to wake up eat and get a warm bath. He makes an "Oooo" face when he gets in. After a little tummy time he off to eat sleep poo for the rest of his day. Tough schedule. We guestimate he is about 14 lbs. We go to the Pedi. on Tuesday. He is busting with chub out of his 0-3 month clothes. He loves his car seat and going on long walks drifting off to soft music. He has bad days of growth spurts occasionally but otherwise all good.

He only wakes once or twice in the night to eat and change a diaper. I love how he wakes up in the morning. It takes a good 35-45 minutes of stretching and moaning.

I look forward going back to work, working out, and just doing "normal" things again. C-sections is like a handicap. I miss baths!

Well off to soothe the sleepy crying baby!