Monday, April 18, 2011

Mission Accomplished

I feel like he is growing up so fast. Yes, there is still so much he has not done. Bear either has Colic (yeah) or GERD (acid reflux) or as the Doctor said he may just be fussy...Well thanks that narrows it down. I do have to add a shout out to "The Happiest Baby on the Block" DVD. That has helped for his fussiness and suggest it to anyone having a baby- fussy or not. Last night I got in the bath with him and he bobbed around and ate right afterwards, and passed out hard with little fuss. He is a true Water sign. He loves bath time. I held his head and submerged his little body, and he floated with a big smile. Perhaps the bath is the way to go- but a bath every night could be bad for his delicate skin. He weighs in at 12 lb. and 11 oz.- basically a 13 pounder. The Doctors are praise him for his ability for eye contact and grasp.
Missions Accomplished this week:
He almost rolled over today!! He gets so frustrated he really wants to crawl.
He used his first pacifier- during one of his manic episodes
He used his first bottle of freshly expressed milk- we are prepping him for when I go back to work
We have been making kiss-y faces at him and oooo's and aaahhh's and he can copy us. Today Kb taught him how to click with his tongue and now every time he sees KB he does it.

I said I wanted to go back to work and I do, but I do not want to miss any little thing. I almost cried when I had to give his first bottle. I am sure that is not my last of almost crying- I expect to cry my eyes out over this kid plenty of times in my life- be it for joy or whatever else may come.

1 comment:

Whit and KB said...

Love the blog!!! I need all I can get of that baby of ours. Even times like tonight. Love you