Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sleep Time

Well he is a sleep! That is when I get to write. He is doing so good. His manic days have passed...I hate to jinx myself but for the past 3 1/2 weeks he has gone to bed a 7:30 pm on the dot. He almost sleeps through the night. He sometimes wakes for feeding but not often. Occasionally he does this weird thing where he will just start crying and he will be completely asleep. You have to tell him "It's Okay open your eyes".  It is cute. I feel bad because I giggle, but I can't help it with his little sad raisin face. He will stay asleep until 7:30-8:30 am! On Mother's day he slept till 9:30!! It was amazing!
Speaking of my first Mother's Day it was great. It was super relaxing. My sis came down for the weekend and spoiled me! She watered my plants and picked out the dead ones. That is one of the first things I stopped caring about after Bear was born. Who has time to water and groom plants when there is a whole house to take care of? She baked me muffins and chocolate cupcakes with carmel centers! She took great care of Bear. She rocked him to sleep and put him down. She snuggled and sang to him. He really loves his Aunt Lemons! Then Sunday we all slept in and did nothing! After Mel left Kb and I did laundry and relaxed together! It was perfect topped with a HOT bath and evening hike with the dogs and Bear.
Bear is really enjoying the outdoors. He is very alert to all that is around him. He is growing so much. Everyone says they grow up fast and they do. I am glad I could not imagine him being in a fragile state for long. Plus I get so many kisses, giggles and chatter from him! I love it. I love to snuggle him or should I say smother him with my love. I only get this for what another 10 more years ? Then he will be telling me to stop it :(
I have gone back to work and all is well. KB and Bear do so well at home together. I love hearing about their days. I am so glad KB gets this bonding time with him. He also realizes it is not easy being home all day with a baby. Besides the chance to take naps you really are kept on your toes! What does he need now? He is fed and has a clean diaper what now? Read another book? More tummy time? Perhaps another walk around the neighborhood? Oh he just covered himself in spit up new outfit....Time to repeat! It seems simple my friends but it is not.

 Nap time in the pack and play!
 Nap time for Dad on the couch!
 Waking up in the morning! This is what I get to see every morning!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is so precious! I think he looks like Dee Monroe! Bald and cute! I love that baby. Kisses xoxoxoxo