I just had the most fantastic weekend with my sister and her hubby. It was nice to see them before the Bean's arrival. One last hooray before there is 3 and not just the 2 of us. Nothing to exciting just good meals and good conversation- that is very exciting for us! During the rain on Saturday night we thought there was a gang shoot out but no some how a transformer blew right outside our building so we all were put to bed a bit early by candle light and KB strumming his guitar. Mel gave me a wonderful head to toe massage- practicing for the BIG day! After walking for a wee bit my feet look like they been stung by bees and she was kind enough to massage them. Yeah!!! I would say I gave KB a break from the massage but the truth be told I asked him for rub down later.
Waiting the arrival has got me thinking about so many things. One thing I can never over state enough is what is brewing inside me? A boy or girl? I merely want a boy because I loves the boys name and I want a girl because the clothing choices are amazing! Through out the pregnancy we have thought we were having a boy- just a wild guess. The same thought my bestie had- I told her she jinxed herself into a girl- which she did. Now I feel we have done the same....we have no real preference and now I have no real feeling one way or another we just know we are definitely having a baby and soon! xo
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