Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Grillz

 The name pacifier is silly so KB and I have changed it to his Grillz.
Define: caps or fitting worn over ones teeth, either on top, bottom, or both. To be mostly made out of gold, silver, diamond, or platinum.

Ex."Woah! I carry around some extra grillz in my fanny pack, yo!"

I am sure there are people who do not agree with the need for a pacifier or thumb sucking out of fear for addiction to such an object, or messing up your teeth. Well not me.
"Hello my name is Whitney and I am a former addict of thumb sucking. I have successfully been free from such things since childhood."
I loved sucking my thumb as a kid. I can completely recall it. My family tried everything to get me to stop. My Grandma threw away my favorite pillow I like to hold while thumb'n it. They tried Tabasco, soap, and any other foul tasting item they could think of. It never worked. I started second grade and there was a girl Lisa who sucked her thumb- in public. At least I was a closet case. My sister was strung out on a pacifier for years. Either way she and I grew out of it. Our teeth were not crooked because of it. My thumb was always there for me. Bear sucks his thumb or at least tries to. Usually the whole side of his hand if not his entire hand. We do not use it all the time just here and there. I have learned there are different kinds and brands. The older they get the sizing changes. I hope he transfers over to his thumb, but we will wait and see.

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