Wednesday, March 30, 2011


How do you go to the bathroom? How do you walk around the house and leave him in another room? What happens if he spits up or chokes on it? How are you not suppose to check to see if he is breathing every two seconds? How do you type on computer with one hand because he does not want to be put down? How do you not want to eat him up with all his cute chubbiness? I want to squish him with love! I want our first week back. I want him to be giggling and walking and talking and asking questions until my head explodes.
How will I deal as he grows older and gains independence? How do you teach and tell him everything is going to be okay when in fact you are just going with the flow, one day at a time.
I am and will have how do you and what do you do's for the next 18 years. I don't expect answers. We will learn together. After all he does not even know "how". He just knows cry now and boob will appear.
Now that I am here it amazes me that so many women do this. Young girls becoming mothers. Single women doing this on their own. I applaud them for their strength. I applaud all mothers and even the fathers. Cheers to new "hows"! ( i am toasting with a cup of water!)

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